Paisley South Church

For more announcements, as well as the diary of events for the month, see the current information sheet.

You can also read the current edition of the Church newsletter here.

Daily Bread

Copies of the next issue of Our Daily Bread are available for uplift in the church vestibule and next to the information board in the foyer.

Support for MacMillan Cancer

The following coffee mornings will be raising funds for MacMillan Cancer  :

Tuesday Drop In & Toddler Group, Tuesday 24th September (Freshly made pancakes!), 10 to 12

Soup & Sandwich Lunch, Friday 27th September, 12noon to 1pm

Sunday Tea /Coffee, 29th September

Brian Taylor's Clothes Show & Sale

This will take place on Tuesday 1st October, at 7pm in the large hall.

Tickets suggested donation £6 available from committee members

(Incudes wine/soft drink, shortbread and lucky ticket number draw)

Banner Group

The Banner Group meets after the summer break on Tuesday 24th September at 2pm.

Existing and new members are welcomed.

Wednesday Break

The Wednesday Break meets on the 18th September at 11am.

Note: The Wednesday Break will NOT be meeting on Wednesday 25th September.

The Wednesday Break will meet again on Wednesday 2nd October.

All are welcome.

Let's meet

The first meeting after the summer break will be on Monday 19th September at 2.30 pm. The group will meet again on the 7th and 21st October.

Existing and new members are welcome.

Toddlers Group

The Toddlers Group, for children up to 3 years old, meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am – 11:30am during school term.

The cost is £2 per morning (which includes tea and biscuits for the child’s carers).

Renfrewshire Foodbank - donations

The Foodbank supplies are very low at the present time and are short of the following:

Long life diluting juice, tinned fruit, tinned potatoes, jars of jam, pasta sauce, tinned tomatoes,

tinned fish, cereal, crisps, sanitary products, tea and coffee, cleaning products, pet food, toiletries and carrier bags.

UHT milk, meat, cereal and soup.

They are especially short of Sweets & Chocolate.

Thanks, in anticipation for your donations and generosity. 

Soup and Sandwich Lunch

The next Soup and Sandwich Lunch will be on Friday 27th September 12 - 1pm.

The money raised will be donated to MacMillan Cancer.

Tearoom on a Tuesday

The tearoom is open every Tuesday from 10am – 12noon. All are welcome.


Do you like to write? Do you enjoy using language?

Would you be interested in writing a prayer or prayers for use in a Sunday service? Either the Prayer at the start of the service or the Prayers for others usually later in the order, or both?

You do not have to read your prayer if you would rather not, or are unable to attend the service in person. The Minister or someone else can do that.

If you would be interested in contributing to the worship in this way, please email or speak to David. If you know of someone in the congregation who may be particularly gifted in this way, please prompt them, or recommend them to David.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

A 'Postcard Box' has been placed in the vestibule of the church adjacent to the front doors for the receipt/deposit of used or unwanted postcards.

These are collected by MAF and sorted into various categories and sold to collectors. Some £10,000 has been raised on an annual basis by this method of fundraising. The box will be emptied on a regular basis. 

From the Minister

Are you a member of The Church???? The answer can be 'Yes' and 'No' at the same time.

Everyone who has been baptised is a member of the world wide Church of Christ. All of the mainstream churches recognise this belief and understanding, although it is right to remember that the Baptist Church and some independent Churches have different understandings.

To become a member of The Church of Scotland involves either being admitted onto the roll of members by Kirk Session decision, or, more often, by joining the Church on a Sunday morning in a special part of the service which involves taking the vows of membership and being welcomed by the congregation.

I am aware of a couple of people who are involved in the life of the church but who have not yet had the opportunity to become full members.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a member of this Church is invited to indicate this to me, so we can arrange to discuss it further.


Would you like to help lead the service by doing the readings, or preparing and delivering one of the prayers? The Minister is keen to encourage members of the congregation to be involved and would be happy to hear from anyone who is willing to do so. Please email or phone him to let him know. Thank you.

Charitable Giving

The Change for Good Box ( formerly The Copper Box ) is now in the vestibule.This year’s Charity is Sightsavers UK. 

Since 1950 this charity has been tackling blindness in more than 30 developing countries, working to prevent avoidable blindness and fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. 91% of donations received is used for vital charity work. Please donate and help protect sight and change lives.

Recycling of Empty Medicine Blister Packs

We have placed a box in the Church Vestibule where you can drop off any empty medicine blister packs you may have at home. It doesn't cost you or the church anything, helps the environment through recycling, and the company which recycles the packs will make a donation to Marie Curie.

Thank you for your support.

Margaret and Russell Banks.

Paisley South Church

123 Rowan St

Paisley PA2 6RZ

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Paisley South Church (Church of Scotland) Registered Charity SC000558